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To produce the Trans Pride  Event  the following is required:-


1 Brand 2 Logo design 3 Type Font 4 Type setting 5 Poster 6 Facebook Cover 7 Facebook Icon 8 Flyer 9 Social Media Poster 10 Webpage Layout 11 Icons Event


1 Facebook page 2 Facebook Event 3 Twitter 4 Event Brite 5 Website Home 6 Getting to Bristol 7 Venue Page 8 Meeting 9 Where to Stay 10 LGBT Reference page 11 Project contact 12 Planning Hub 13 Strategic Board 14 Packing engagement packs 15 delivering engagement packs 16 Email invite 17 Social Media Invite 18 Group Engagement

Event Management

1 Event Management Flow chart 2 Venue Layout design 3 Planning with Venues 4 Quote negotiations 5 Stall liaison 6 Speaker liaison meetings 7 Venue Set Up 8 Venue Pack up

Event Schedule

1 Mon- Thursday 2 Friday 3 Saturday 4 Sunday

Trans Pride Stratic Board

1 Mia 2 Lexi

Event Finance

1 Arrange quote from trinity and invoice to council 2 Invioce council £500 via forum LGBT Manifesto Supplies 1 Flipcharts 2 Engagement packs 3 Noticeboards 4 Stand 5 Actrilic flyer holders 6 Name badges 7 Booklet 8 Presentation 9 Event guide for tables

Trans Pride next step

1 Create Survey Monkey for the 9 sections Design 1 Poster 2 Facebook Cover 3 Facebook Icon 4 Flyer 5 Social Media Poster 6 Webpage Layout 7 Icons

Trans Pride PR

1 Facebook page 2 Facebook Event 3 Twitter 4 Website Home 5 Getting to Bristol 6 Meetings notes

7 Where to Stay 8 LGBT Reference page 9 Planning Hub 10 Strategic Board 11 Group Engagement